Dates and submissions > Information and instructionsRegistrationRegistration will open shortly, using the epay system through The University of Edinburgh. Please navigate to the conference webpage under the School of Engineering for registration details: Please note that we are experiencing difficulties with this system but will activate it as soon as we can. Dates
PostersPoster submissions are welcome. Posters can be printed in Edinburgh for £15. Extended abstracts: OPENThe extended abstracts will also use the Springer conference template and authors are welcome to submit in Word or LaTeX. Extended abstracts should be between two and four pages. Please note that the extended abstracts will not be published in the conference proceedings. The deadline to submit extended abstracts is 17:00 GMT on March May June 1st, 2024. The extended abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee and authors will be notified if they have been accepted. Delegates who submit an extended abstract may be asked to give an oral presentation but priority will be given to delegates who have submitted full papers. Full papes: CLOSEDThe abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee and authors will be notified if they have been invited to submit a full paper. The full paper will use a Springer conference template and submissions may be in Word or Latex
The papers must be formatted according to the template guidelines or they risk not being included in the final proceedings. The full papers are limited to ten pages (including the abstract, main text, references, and any appendices) and must be a minimum of six pages for standard delegates. Invited speakers and our keynote speakers will be permitted longer articles. Conference proceedingsThe conference proceedings will be published by RILEM under Springer's RILEM Bookseries and indexed under Scopus. Delegates are welcome to submit an abstract or a full paper. RILEM MembersRILEM members will be asked to give permission to be contacted to give feedback about ICEC2024. Please say nice things! |
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