Conference Chair and Steering Committee
Conference Chair: Dr Christopher Beckett
Dr Chris Beckett is a Senior Lecturer at The University of Edinburgh, the deputy Chair of the RILEM Technical Committee MAE: Mechanical performance and durability assessment of earthen elements and structures, and chairs the Standards Australia Committee BD-083: Australian Earth Building. His research explores the hydromechanical, thermal, embodied energy/carbon, and architectural use, behaviour, and characterisation of earthen construction materials around the world.
Dr Chris Beckett
Dr Emmanuel Keita
Emmanuel Keita graduated from the École Polytechnique and received a Ph.D. in physics. He is a researcher at the Navier Laboratory and a teacher at the École des Ponts ParisTech. His research work focuses on the physical understanding of construction materials. Using innovative imaging techniques, he adapts the concepts of applied physics to the development of construction materials with low environmental impact, by minimizing the material required (3D printing) or by using recycled concrete or concrete without hydraulic binder (earth). Emmanuel Keita is the chair of the RILEM Technical Committee Processing of Earthen Materials.
Dr Emmanuel Keita
Prof. Céline Perlot-Bascoules
Céline is a full-time professor at the Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, France. She specialises in the physical chemistry of materials and microstructural characterisation to understand moisture transfer into and the durability of building materials. Currently she is the head of a scientific innovation chair at the Institut Universitire de France on" the effects of the bio-stabilisation of raw earth materials on the interior comfort of buildings". She is co-chair of the RILEM TC BEC (Bio-stabilised earth-based construction: performance-approach for better resilience)
Dr Céline Perlot-Bascoules
Prof. Antonin Fabbri
Antonin Fabbri is a research professor at ENTPE (French Graduate Scholl of Civil, Environmental and Urban Engineering, member of Lyon University). He works there since 2011 on earthen materials (in particular rammed earth, adobes, and earth plasters), and mostly on the quantification of the impact of water (in all its forms) on their thermo-hydro-mechanical behaviors and durability. He is currently the chair of the RILEM technical committee MAE (Mechanical performance and durability assessment of earthen elements and structures) and he is a member of the executive board of the French National Project on earthen construction.
Prof. Antonin Fabbri
Dr Ana Bràs
Ana Bras, PhD, CEng FICE, is a Reader in bio-materials for infrastructure, Liverpool John Moores University, UK. She has 18 years of experience in R&D and consultancy in bio-based composites (earth and cement matrix). By combining civil engineering, materials and microbiology expertise she established a research group on bio-based composites with self-healing behaviour, with a focus on durability of infrastructure. Ana has generated over £1.8 million in direct external research funding. She is ICE Policy Fellow for the development of the UK carbon-neutral infrastructure plan and is she is the chair of RILEM TC BEC (Bio-stabilised earth-based construction: performance-approach for better resilience).
Dr Ana Bràs
Prof. Arnaud Perrot
Arnaud Perrot is Professor at Université de Bretagne Sud in Lorient and has worked there since 2007. His research topic mainly deals with construction material rheology and processing. He is an active member in RILEM technical committes on concrete 3D printing and rheology and is the deputy chair of the RILEM TC processing of earth-based materials (PEM). He is associate editor of RILEM/Springer Materials and Structures journal. He has recently won the ACI Wason Medal for material research (in 2022).
Dr Arnaud Perrot
Scientific Committee
- Chair of the Scientific Committee: Dr Emmanuel Keita
- Dr Abdelhak Kaci
- Dr Agostino Walter Bruno
- Dr Alessia Cuccurullo
- Dr Ana Bras
- Dr Arnaud Perrot
- Dr Jean-Emmanuel Aubert
- Dr Céline Perlot
- Dr Daniel V. Oliveira
- Prof. Domenico Gallipoli
- Dr Élodie Prud'homme
- Dr Emmanuel Keita
- Dr Erwan Hamard
- Dr Fionn McGregor
- Dr Florent Vieux-Champagne
- Prof. Guillaume Habert
- Prof. Harald Kloft
- Prof. Humberto Varum
- Dr Inka Mai
- Dr Ioannis Ioannou
- Dr Julie Assuncao
- Dr Magda Posani
- Dr Noha Al Haffar
- Dr Norman Hack
- Dr Paulina Faria
- Dr Philbert Nshimiyimana
- Dr Quoc-Bao Bui
- Dr Rogiros Illampas
- Dr Rui Silva
- Dr Simon Guihéneuf
- Dr Thibaut Colinart
- Dr Thibaut Lecompte
Local Organising Committee
- Chair of the Local Organising Committee: Dr Christopher Beckett
- Dr Daniel Fosas de Pando:
- Dr Hwa-Kian Chai:
- Dr Julio Bros-Williamson:
- Dr Thomas Raynolds: